PHPMD - PHP Mess Detector

Naming Rules

The Naming Ruleset contains a collection of rules about names - too long, too short, and so forth.


Since: PHPMD 2.9

Detects when classes or interfaces are declared with excessively long names.

Example: :

class ATooLongClassNameThatHintsAtADesignProblem {


interface ATooLongInterfaceNameThatHintsAtADesignProblem {


class ClassGroupPrefixesThatIsUsedForGrouping {


This rule has the following properties:

NameDefault ValueDescription
maximum40The class name length reporting threshold.
subtract-prefixesComma-separated list of prefixes that will not count in the length of the class name. Only the first matching prefix will be subtracted.
subtract-suffixesComma-separated list of suffixes that will not count in the length of the class name. Only the first matching suffix will be subtracted.


Since: PHPMD 2.9

Detects when classes or interfaces have a very short name.

Example: :

class Fo {


interface Fo {


This rule has the following properties:

NameDefault ValueDescription
minimum3The class name length reporting threshold
exceptionsComma-separated list of exceptions. Example: Log,URL,FTP


Since: PHPMD 0.2

Detects when a field, local, or parameter has a very short name.

Example: :

class Something {
    private $q = 15; // VIOLATION - Field
    public static function main( array $as ) { // VIOLATION - Formal
        $r = 20 + $this->q; // VIOLATION - Local
        for (int $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { // Not a Violation (inside FOR)
            $r += $this->q;

This rule has the following properties:

NameDefault ValueDescription
minimum3Minimum length for a variable, property or parameter name.
exceptionsComma-separated list of exceptions


Since: PHPMD 0.2

Detects when a field, formal or local variable is declared with a long name.

Example: :

class Something {
    protected $reallyLongIntName = -3; // VIOLATION - Field
    protected $hungarianUintArrOptions = []; // VIOLATION - Field
    public static function main( array $interestingArgumentsList[] ) { // VIOLATION - Formal
        $otherReallyLongName = -5; // VIOLATION - Local
        for ($interestingIntIndex = 0; // VIOLATION - For
             $interestingIntIndex < 10;
             $interestingIntIndex++ ) {

This rule has the following properties:

NameDefault ValueDescription
maximum20The variable length reporting threshold
subtract-prefixesComma-separated list of prefixes that will not count in the length of the variable name. Only the first matching prefix will be subtracted.
subtract-suffixesComma-separated list of suffixes that will not count in the length of the variable name. Only the first matching suffix will be subtracted.


Since: PHPMD 0.2

Detects when very short method names are used.

Example: :

class ShortMethod {
    public function a( $index ) { // Violation

This rule has the following properties:

NameDefault ValueDescription
minimum3Minimum length for a method or function name
exceptionsComma-separated list of exceptions


Since: PHPMD 0.2

A constructor method should not have the same name as the enclosing class, consider to use the PHP 5 __construct method.

Example: :

class MyClass {
     // this is bad because it is PHP 4 style
    public function MyClass() {}
    // this is good because it is a PHP 5 constructor
    public function __construct() {}


Since: PHPMD 0.2

Class/Interface constant names should always be defined in uppercase.

Example: :

class Foo {
    const MY_NUM = 0; // ok
    const myTest = ""; // fail


Since: PHPMD 0.2

Looks for methods named 'getX()' with 'boolean' as the return type. The convention is to name these methods 'isX()' or 'hasX()'.

Example: :

class Foo {
     * @return boolean
    public function getFoo() {} // bad
     * @return bool
    public function isFoo(); // ok
     * @return boolean
    public function getFoo($bar); // ok, unless checkParameterizedMethods=true

This rule has the following properties:

NameDefault ValueDescription
checkParameterizedMethodsfalseApplies only to methods without parameter when set to true


This document is based on a ruleset xml-file, that was taken from the original source of the PMD project. This means that most parts of the content on this page are the intellectual work of the PMD community and its contributors and not of the PHPMD project.

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